• How to do fasting
    High Protein Diet

    How to do fasting

    How to do fasting you stop eating completely, or eat very little food, for a certain period of time. Some people choose to fast for religious reasons, while others choose to do so to lose weight. Fasting has also been used for thousands of years as treatment for various diseases.” How to do fasting Fasting helps you attain a state of pure, elevated consciousness that allows you to connect with your higher self. In this heightened state of awareness, you are able to make the most powerful decisions for your life. How to do fasting? Fasting is not what most people think it is. When you have food on your…

  • how to yoga
    High Protein Diet

    How to yoga

    How to yoga? Yoga is a great way to calm your mind and body. This beginner’s guide will get you started with simple yoga poses, breathing techniques, and meditation tips that you can bring into your life today! how to yoga Yoga is a great way to feel relaxed, centered and energized. Yoga is suitable for all ages and bodies, including those with limited mobility or health issues. How to yoga? Yoga is a great way to get your body in shape, relieve anxiety and stress, or simply relax. More than just stretching, yoga provides a wide range of health benefits for people at all levels of fitness. How to…

  • Is energy drink good for you
    High Protein Diet

    Is energy drink good for you

    Is energy drink good for you? Energy drinks are often considered a cheap alternative to coffee. But what makes them so popular? And could it really be good for you? It turns out that there may be some health benefits to drinking these popular caffeinated drinks. Is energy drink good for you Caffeine is the main ingredient in almost all energy drinks. Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed stimulants in the world, consumed by 80% of Americans on a daily basis. It can boost your mood and keep you awake, but that doesn’t always mean it’s good for your body…. Is energy drink good for you? Drinking energy…

  • how walking affects your body
    Healthy Lifestyle

    How walking affects your body

    How walking affects your body? When you walk, your body absorbs a great deal of impact as it hits the ground. This is why being on your feet all day long can leave you feeling sore and stiff. While walking is still a great way to tone muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness, try mixing up your routine by changing up your speed, adding hills and inclines to your route, or simply taking a walk while holding weights in each hand. how walking affects your body Walking is one of the most efficient forms of exercise. The average active person burns between 150 and 250 calories per mile. How walking affects…

  • What are benefits of coconut
    High Protein Diet

    What are benefits of coconut

    What are benefits of coconut? Coconut benefits are abundant, coconut oil is a good example for high heat cooking and for added fat with most dishes. In the Philippines many natives eat soup with rice and eggs prepared in coconut water.  Coconut water is more than just a thirst quencher. It contains potassium, magnesium and other electrolytes that can help restore balance to depleted body tissues. Coconut oil has one of the highest contents of saturated fats found in nature, but it’s not as bad as we once thought What are benefits of coconut Coconut is a tropical plant that produces what we know as the typical white, hard coconut…

  • How to keep your hair healthy
    High Protein Diet

    How to keep your hair healthy

    How to keep your hair healthy? Our hair is made up of two different types of cells – the medulla and cortex. The medulla, or inner layer, is made up of dead cells which form a kind of cushion to protect the living cells at the core. The cortex, or outer layer, consists of 5%-20% keratin-filled cells that create protective levels and guard against damage. How to keep your hair healthy We all want healthy hair, but it’s not always easy to keep frizzy or greasy hair at bay. Thankfully, there are some easy tips for keeping your hair clean and soft. How to keep your hair healthy? To keep…

  • How to avoid toothache
    High Protein Diet

    How to avoid toothache

    How to avoid toothache? To avoid a toothache, see your dentist regularly so he or she can catch problems early. This includes brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, flossing once a day and visiting the dentist every six months for professional cleanings and checkups. Be sure to schedule your appointments at least six months before a holiday or other event when you will know you’ll be eating lots of sticky foods that can get stuck in between your teeth and cause cavities. How to avoid toothache To avoid toothache, you should eat a healthy diet and brush your teeth twice a day. If you have an infection,…

  • How to avoid balding hair
    High Protein Diet

    How to avoid balding hair

    How to avoid balding hair? Balding hair is a common problem, often considered by many as a serious image problem. However, most of the time it happens because of genetics, not just your lifestyle and health habits. This can be disappointing but actually there are some effective treatments available that can slow down balding or even reverse it. How to avoid balding hair You can prevent male pattern baldness, hair loss and delay the aging process by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you do, you’re less likely to lose your hair. There are many ways to prevent excessive hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by stress, poor diet and…

  • how to avoid cancer
    High Protein Diet

    How to avoid cancer

    How to avoid cancer? Avoiding cancer is a great way to prevent the disease, but sometimes it’s not enough. Even if you avoid cancer-causing habits, you may get unlucky enough to still get cancer. However, there are ways of preventing cancer that are out of your hands like having your full family medical history screened regularly and taking up healthy habits early. how to avoid cancer Cancer is the biggest killer of people between 35 and 44 years old, but it’s not something we can just hope will go away. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to limit your risk for cancer—and the sooner…

  • how to be vegan
    High Protein Diet

    How to be vegan

    How To Be Vegan? is the go-to book for anyone who has ever considered making the switch. With extensive resources, expert advice and everything you need to know about eating a plant-based diet, this informative guide will help you make the transition to veganism easily! how to be vegan If you’re interested in eating less meat, becoming a vegan or vegetarian is a great first step. Eating less meat is a good way to make a difference for animals. Going vegan also has lots of health benefits. How To Be Vegan? Becoming vegan isn’t as hard as you might think. Here are some tips and recipes to help you along…